Sunday 2 March 2008


There is a song, writer unknown to me, I can only remember the 1st stanza…
"My mother,
Who sat and watched my infant head
When sleeping on my cradle bed
And shed some tears if I should cry….
My mother…."

This reminds of a role of a woman (young or old)
Are you a mother? When last did you show your children love?
Are you a mother? When last did you spend quality time with your family, especially your husband?
Are you a single mother? When will you stop feeling sorry for yourself and get on with it?
Are you a mother? When will you stop being wicked to other people’s children?
Are you a mother? When will you stop causing havoc in your children’s marital home?
Are you a mother? When will you take up your role in the society and quit gossiping and spending money frivolously?
Are you a mother? When will you start showing love to people around you and quit letting your past rule your present and future because of a terrible incident?

Are you yet to be a mother? What decisions have you made about your future? Think about it
Are you yet to be a mother? Who said you’ll have no children? Let me introduce you to my God through Jesus, for HIS word says, NONE SHALL BE BARREN

Are you a female? Who can find a virtuous woman? For she is worth more than gold, rubies or diamonds; you are priceless and precious.

Happy Mother’s day and remember the ball is in your court. What will you do with it? The choice is yours. Have a fulfilled day.
(Written by Modupé Mabel Ade-Onojobi Daniel © All rights reserved.)

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